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Eat clean

chick pea flour tortilla wrap with grilled vegetables

2015. szeptember 22. - Oneta

I was so sceptical about the chickpea flour. Sounds weird isn't it? It is actually...

Well, if you are sure you are rady to eat clean and fresh, you have to try this delicious recipe.

You will need...

(for the wrap)

- 230g chick pea flour

- half of a teaspoon salt 

- 250 ml water

- a teaspoon wreshly grounded ginger

- 1 garlic cloves

- 150 g beetroot

for the tahini dressing:

- 2 tablespoon tahini

- 2 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

- 50ml water

For fillings: fresh lettuce, eggplant and zucchini

For the tortilla wrap mix the chick pea flour, the salt, the ginger and the garlic and than the beetroot. You will get the best wrap with using a pencake cooker, or omlette cooker. 

heat the pan on low-temperature, thank put about 2 tablespoon palm or coconut ouls in it. Put about 2-3 tablespoon of the chick pea mix and try to make is equable in the pan. The temperature is really important on this point. ( I have 9 degree on my cooker and I cooked on 3,5.) Cook it for like 2-3 minutes- when it's top starts to 'dry' and turn it upside down just like a pencake. Thank you only have to fill it.

MIx the dressing's ingredients with a mixer, and after your put the vegetables on the wrap pour it with the tahini dressing.


I hope you will like it! :) Enjoy!

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